

Helen S....

I was the person who was going to email "20/20," Helen... but found myself
without email service for almost a solid week immediately after I made my
initial post to the list (AAAAAAAAAARGH!  Talk about frustrating?  Being
without email that long was simply awful!).  I just ... and I mean JUST got
full email service restored today and am now swamped with a week's worth of
messages... close to  450 email to check, respond to or delete.

Anyway, since I couldn't send my message to "20/20" via email, I sent it via
snail mail a few days ago, and don't anticipate hearing back form them for at
least a coupla-three weeks... prolly longer.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of H SPENCE
Sent:   Sunday, April 20, 1997 9:43 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        20/20 ??

As I just had the opportunity to view the controversial 20/20
show that was on last Friday, April 11, I'm very curious to know if
it is generally agreed amongst the Parkinsn List members that the
surgery they showed was indeed one that has been around for a while
because from what I saw and heard it did actually appear to be new.

I know one of our members (sorry I don't remember 'who') was going to
send them an email but I've seen nothing further here in the last few
days and now I'm very anxious to know if it's definitely been agreed by
the group that it was *not* new and "the first time ever shown in the
U.S." as 20/20 said. It looked so promising and exciting that I've got
my fingers crossed that perhaps it was an accurate report after all.

Thanking you in advance for any information you can send me.

Helen Spence   ([log in to unmask])