


First of all thanks for the flowers!

My mother has been taking "Liquid Sinemet" for the last 3 or 4 years.
The Liquid Sinemet (LS) is basically a matter of dissolving a days worth
of medication with orange juice (some also add Vit. C powder) and taking
a measured dose of the cocktail on a regular basis.  The Sinemet pills
dissolves easily in the OJ.  A crude method would have you add up all
the sinemet taken in a day, dissolving the pills, and take enough of the
cocktail (once an hour) till , at the end of the day, you have completed
the OJ.  The amount of levadopa in a single dose of LS will have a much
quicker result.  It allows her to receive a little levadopa more often
and even out her ups and downs.

I have recently been talking with Brian Collins amount my mothers dosage
and timing, the two critical issues.  I would strongly suggest utilizing
Brian's expertise and computer program concerning optimizing dosages.

If you have any questions please drop me a line.

Best regards

Bill Bell ([log in to unmask])