


Margaret has been on Clozaril now for over two years.  She takes it solely
to alleviate her dyskinesia, but has not been able to tolerate
more than 100 mg nightly.   Anything more and she just finds she cannot
wake up the next day.   She was only able to build up to this dose very
very slowly.  It has nevertheless,  helped her dyskinesia; she can now
tolerate up to 5 x 100/25 Sinemet whereas previously anything over 3
tablets in the course of a day was intolerable.
The trouble was that Margaret needed more than  five to function even half-
effectively, and so she has just had a bi-lateral pallidotomy.   This has
completely fixed the dyskinesia and it has also eliminated the on-off
problems she was experiencing.  She is still taking the same medication as
before,   but has found that it is now much more effective than previously.
  We are now considering whether to try and wean her off the Clozaril.

As far as you are concerned though, the most important thing is to build up
to the dose over a lengthy period and to spread the Sinemet/Madopar out
over the day.   Have you tried dissolving her daily dose in a half litre or
so of soft drink, water or fruit juice, adding a little vitamin C
(preservative) and taking it over the day ?    You may find that this
doesn't give her enough of a kick-start in the morning and needs to be
supplemented with a tablet as  well.

Hope you find this helpful.
(CG for Margaret, - 65/27 yrs)
At 18:13 14/04/97 -0400, you wrote:

>Dear Friends,
>My mother's neuro recently prescribed Clozaril / Clozapine for her
>dyskinesia.  My mother (60/10) has spent a week trying to get the
>precription filled as well as find a pharmacy that will perform the
>weekly blood test as well (white ceel count).  It has been a little
>onerous to say the least.  I have looked high and low for references on
>Clozapine and its effectiveness on reducing dyskenesia but have found
>virtually nothing pertaining to this applicatio for the drug.
>Has anyone else been prescribed this drug to help reduce their
>Thanks in advance

Mark  Atyeo
51 Alexander Mackie Circuit
Isaacs,  2607  Australia
+61 6 286 2606
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like an apple.