

Bob & Joy Graham wrote:
> Hi Donna Testa
> I sent your idea into our parkinson's office and the response was met with
> enthusiasm.
> I think it's a great idea, and did mean to include it in our Newsletter,
> but let me know if it takes off, and then I will get the ball rolling down
> under -- or at least in Western Australia.
> I had an idea to suggest to our members,that if everytime we meet for
> seminars, social events, or such, we bring a piece of string, so we can
> start an Oz ball to send to you!
> .
> Re World Parkinson's Awareness Day
> Yesterday our Association launched our stick pin flags and the poster "Wave
> a flag: Help fight Parkinson's Disease" The stick pins have a little tulip
> surrounded by the words "Parkinson's Australia".  We had the minister for
> health to launch them, and at least one tv station did a great cover on the
> news.  They opened with a shot of M. Ali at the olympics, with some great
> text, then an interview with our President and his wife after they had
> filmed them walking along holding hands, with the PWP exhibiting very bad
> dyskinesias. They also got to talk about the effect of PD in their lives.
> Tomorrow, I with many others will be sitting in shops throughout Perth (and
> maybe in the country too) asking for donations for the flags, and no doubt
> doing lots of talking about PD.  I have gathered some literature for my
> table, and will also be selling our all-purpose cards.
> I should say that we have the most amazing, energetic and skilful
> fund-raising Chairperson who deserves our thanks over and over.  She is not
> on this List, but her name is Joyce Weinberg, so if any of you want to
> write to her via me, I'd be happy to pass on any letters. She would be most
> suprised.  Joyce would love the idea of the ball of string, twine, etc too.
> Cheers to you all
> Joy Graham (CG Bob 57, 8+ years)
>Hi Joy,
How did  your World Parkinson's Awareness day turn out? I hope you sold
out your pins, and had a great turn out. I envy you the attention you
received from your government and media. Ours in New York State turned a
deaf ear to us. Thats one reason this 'ball' project is so important not
only to us in N.Y. but all the other states and countries, that find it
as frustrating as we do. The National Parkinson's Foundation is with us
and have put our idea on their web (, the American
Parkinson Disease Ass. is going to put a copy of the letter in their
newsletter. We are starting to get responses to our request at the Post
Office! So please put a copy in your newsletter, and use it at all your
groups! Any questions or ideas you might have are welcome. I welcome any
suggestions or help from Joyce Weinberg, also. I will keep you update
through the network to the progress we make. Looking forward to hearing
from you.
Donna Testa:-)