

the Mass. Chapter of APDA is having a Walkathon on Sat., May 17th.  It's two
miles.  They send a sponsor sheet and other info to all chapter members, I
believe.  I think last year's walk may have been their first.  It's their
"single most important fundraising event", funds to be used for research, and
also the event they use to raise public awreness.  They urge people to get
sponsors' money BEFORE the walk.  They sent a one-page letter, easily done on
a computer, plus a professionally-printed brochure, explaining a little more
about the walk and with one panel devoted to soliciting contributions,
another on PD, and another panel on the Udall bill.  If anyone would like
this copy (I have only one), let me know and I'll send it to you via snail
mail.  My husband and I can't walk -- it's being held a long ways from where
we live.  But I'm glad to share the info.
Delda White ([log in to unmask])