

Hello List members.
I have a request. Please can you help me.
I need to collect and collate information from those of you who have had or
have hallucinations, and from those who have cared for PWP with
I have some Carer friends who knew nothing about PD medication-induced
hallucinations until they were sadly "baptised by fire".  They would
benefit by hearing your stories about what your hallucinations, and any
other forms of psychiatric manifestations, were like, and how you overcame
them, or how you survived to tell the story! How did you first become aware
of the fact that you were hallucinating?
I am also interested in how the medical profession handled your situation.
For example, did your GP know how to treat you? Did your neurologist know
what to do? Did you see a psychiatrist? Did your neurologist call in the
help of a psychiatrist? Were you hospitalised? Were you taken off
anti-parkinson's medication, etc, etc.

I would be most grateful for your responses, and will use them with
integrity and wisdom, removing your names of course.

If you don't want to share these stories with the List, please email me at:
[log in to unmask]

Most sincerely
Joy Graham (CG Bob, 57, 8yrs - who is not hallucinating!)