

Debbie -=20

In a message dated 97-04-26 05:55:17 EDT, you write:

>Also, she mentioned a symptom that she is unable to describe adequately.
>She says it's a headiness =97 not a headache or dizziness, but a sort of
>haziness that is always present. I'm wondering if anyone else knows has
>this symptom? If so, is is a PD symptom or a side effect of sinemet and/=
>Permax? (She doesn't recall if she felt this way before taking medicatio=
>for PD.)

My husband, Dick (52/15) agrees that what you describe sounds like how he
feels sometimes.  He can't describe it adequately either, but he calls it
"feeling Parkinsonian." When he says he's "feeling Parkinsonian, " I see =
staring blankly into space, and looking very unfocused.  The best descrip=
he can come up with is that he can look at something and know it's there,=
it looks unreal, almost like a mirage, to him.  I still have trouble
picturing exactly what he means. =20

We're not sure, but we think when it occurs it's because he's undermedica=
at that point in time.  That would lead us to believe that it's the
Parkinson's per se, not the meds.  But I'll bet others on the list have t=
same feeling from time to time, and there are probably as many theories a=
it as there are PWP. =20

Hope this helps a bit.  Margie Swindler   cg for Dick, 52/15
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