

My husband has tried it in the past for many weeks at a time and felt no
benefit for the tremor.  I find most acupuncturists also have herbs and
supplements to recommend and between the two it definitely contributes to a
feeling of well-being.  Energy is better, depression is much less or
non-existent.  My feeling is t'ai ch'i would do the same thing and even have
effect on the tremor for a short time and the exercise is wonderful for the
body.  Once you learn most of the postures you can do them at your leisure.
 The inner results are very much like the after effects of acupuncture.  I
haven't been able to convince my husband that t'ai chi is something he really
should try but I know it's very healing.  Perhaps between the two
(acupuncture and t'ai ch'i) some very good results could happen.  I would say
go for it.  No harm can come if you can afford it.