

To All :- Just a few lines to thank all of you who wrote to me, both
publicly and privately with advice, URLs or actual downloaded software to
ebable me to compress my charts A and B into a suitably compact format for
transmitting via the internet. The end result is that the BMP format for my
charts (after applying PKZIP appears to be a somewhat more compact file
than=A0the GIF files which I have been using before, so thanks Marjorie for
the initial idea.

So now, I will once more make the offer of Charts A and B, which state my
explanation of why levodopa therapy gets more and more difficult to
administer without under or over-dosing as the disease progresses. - The
main point being that this effect owes nothing to considerations of whether
or not the person started taking levodopa many years ago, or struggled for
the early years on an inadequate sucession of alternative drugs. This can be
of critical importance if you are trying to hold down a job while battling
with Parkinson's Disease. --  Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>