

Dear Barbara Thanks for the welcome
Its my father Harry Bence that has Parkinson's
He was diagnosed with is in 1985 and has managed to continue with his
profession as a band leader and saxophone player until 1994 when he was
diagnosed with colonic cancer the treatment was major surgery and radiation
treatment which called a halt to his working as a musician
he has just gone back into the treatment centre for further work on his
cancer and the oncologist suggested the we review his medication and have
him see a new neurologist he has been on the same tablets since the onset
of the Parkinson's a drug called MADOPAR. In case you are interested he
could still manage to play well up until the onset of the cancer and the
treatment for that slow him down so much he could no longer work the full
three to four hours playing with the band. If you would like to know more
about his orchestra here in the UK and USA drop me a line
so long for now
Kindest regards
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> From: Barbara Patterson <[log in to unmask]>
> To: Freddy Bence <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Welcome
> Date: Monday, April 21, 1997 02:48
> Dear Freddy: