

Bob & Joy Graham wrote:
> Hi Donna Testa
> I sent your idea into our parkinson's office and the response was met with
> enthusiasm.
> I think it's a great idea, and did mean to include it in our Newsletter,
> but let me know if it takes off, and then I will get the ball rolling down
> under -- or at least in Western Australia.
> I had an idea to suggest to our members,that if everytime we meet for
> seminars, social events, or such, we bring a piece of string, so we can
> start an Oz ball to send to you!
> .
Hi Joy,
We had a meeting here in Rochester yesterday night regarding the Ball of
String. Instead of sending us a oz ball, could you send us a large
amount of OZ letters, with tieable material! We are thinking of a time
limit of Sept 27 (the unity walk). At that time we would like to have a
ceremony here in Rochester, with national representation,(AND LOTS OF
MEDIA COVERAGE). Two committee members (John and Jackie McCabe), who are
on this network is collecting the mail, and we will keep everyone
informed of the amounts from each state and country and any interesting
comments we receive. We have heard from a couple of countries including
Israel, and and quite a few states in the US, will keep you all posted.
But we need A LOT MORE MAIL,so please put it in your newletter, and pass
the word along. On the envelope please put, Attention: Ball. Please feel
free to write any comments or ideas along with the material. Looking
forward to hearing from you. If you or anyone have any comments or
questions please post it on the network.
Donna Testa:-)