

At 03:25 PM 4/25/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Can anyone offer me any help please.
>I have had PD for 11 years now, take Sinemet  CR 25/100 + Lysuride (Revanil)
>200mcg, 4 times a day at three and a half hour intervals.  First dose of the
>day I also take half a Sinemet LS tablet.  I suffer from the on/off
>fluctuations whereby I can be fine for two or three days at a time with no
>off periods, then I have a bad day where I can be off some or even all the
>The off periods vary a lot.  Sometimes they are short lived and not too
>uncomfortable or disabling but sometimes they last a long time and I am VERY
>uncomfortable with bad muscle aches in my thighs and lower back and and very
>rigid all over with some tremor and I just don't know what to do with myself.
> I cannot lie comfortably in bed although that's where I feel I want to be.
> I had one of these sessions last evening and started to write to the list
>for help but was so uncomfortable I had to stop.  So I am writing now whilst
>I am OK.
>I have to go for my regular six monthly check up with the neurologist on
>Tuesday 29 April and wonder, before I go, if any one has any tips.  I just
>can't imagine how people coped before the PD medication became available.
> When I have these phases I just tell myself that are not permanent and I
>will feel better eventually.  The trouble is when I am like this although I
>usually take a Sinemet LS to try and release me, it can take some time and
>sometimes doesn't work at all.
>I don't really want to increase my regular doseage or timings of medication
>as I am afraid of overdosing since I have many good days (i.e. in a 28 day
>period I recently recorded I had 14 days in which I had no off sessions and
>14 days in which I had some off sessions of varying degrees).
>I realise from reading the list messages over the last 4 months or so I have
>been on the list that this is probably quite "normal" in those who have PD
>for a few years so I just wonder how others deal with it.
>Many thanks
>Best wishes to you all
>Susan 43/11
>[log in to unmask]
susan do like i do put some horse limenpent no kidding. cry lot but crarry
on i fell yesterday so back to cruches,for while. see wet spots tears. well
guse i am not funny. hang in there. don I.Y.Q.