

I am posting this for Michael Claeys - Parkinson Action Network
April 18, 1997
Friday Action Update

Ali to Testify Before House Sub-committee

Parkinson's will be in the spotlight next week as the House Labor,
Health and Human Services, and Education Sub-committee hears public
witness testimony on issues including the need for additional medical
research funding.  Muhammad Ali testifies on Wednesday, April 23rd, and
Network President Joan Samuelson will address the Sub-committee the
following day.  Both will be stressing the need for increased
Parkinson's funding and urging passage of the Udall bill and the
appropriation of $100 million for direct research.  To coincide with
this testimony and capitalize on the attention Ali's appearance is sure
to attract, many advocates are visiting Capitol Hill to conduct an
intensive face-to-face lobbying campaign.  This effort aims to add
numerous cosponsors and generate momentum for the earliest possible
consideration of the Udall bill.  Even those not visiting DC next week
can help by calling, faxing and emailing your legislators and urging
them to "knock out" Parkinson's by supporting the Udall bill.

Udall Bill Update

Following its April 9th introduction, the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's
Research and Education Act of 1997 (Senate bill S. 535, House bill H.R.
1260) has been referred to the committees of jurisdiction in each body:
the Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee and the House Commerce
Committee.  Compelling these committees to consider the bills will
require a coordinated and persistent grassroots campaign.  Each
additional cosponsor -- particularly Members of the Committees --
increases the pressure on the Committees Chairs to act.  The Network has
the Congressional data and the advocacy materials to assist you, but
Senators and Representatives are most responsive to their own
constituents, so do all you can!

Cosponsor Count:        Senate: 39              House: 109

Due to the large number of original cosponsors on both versions of the
Udall bill, complete cosponsor lists are attached to this week's
Update.  Please refer to these lists and when you see any of your local
legislators listed, please contact them to say, "Thank you for
supporting the Udall bill!"

Sen Wellstone - 04/09/97
     Sen Glenn - 04/09/97
     Sen Cochran - 04/09/97
     Sen Burns - 04/09/97
     Sen Moynihan - 04/09/97
     Sen Harkin - 04/09/97
     Sen Dodd - 04/09/97
     Sen Leahy - 04/09/97
     Sen Bond - 04/09/97
     Sen Bingaman - 04/09/97
     Sen Campbell - 04/09/97
     Sen Mack - 04/09/97
     Sen Torricelli - 04/09/97
     Sen Grassley - 04/09/97
     Sen Inouye - 04/09/97
     Sen Hollings - 04/09/97
     Sen Robb - 04/09/97
     Sen Durbin - 04/09/97
     Sen Boxer - 04/09/97
     Sen Bryan - 04/09/97
     Sen Daschle - 04/09/97
     Sen Ford - 04/09/97
     Sen D'Amato - 04/09/97
     Sen Reid - 04/09/97
     Sen Lautenberg - 04/09/97
     Sen Mikulski - 04/09/97
     Sen Faircloth - 04/09/97
     Sen Levin - 04/09/97
     Sen Collins - 04/09/97
     Sen Kerry - 04/09/97
     Sen Murray - 04/09/97
     Sen Reed - 04/09/97
     Sen Kennedy - 04/09/97
     Sen Santorum - 04/09/97
     Sen Feinstein - 04/09/97
     Sen Rockefeller - 04/09/97
     Sen Snowe - 04/14/97
     Sen Gorton - 04/16/97
     Sen Sarbanes - 04/16/97

Rep Waxman - 04/09/97
     Rep Murtha - 04/09/97
     Rep Abercrombie - 04/09/97
     Rep Allen - 04/09/97
     Rep Ackerman - 04/09/97
     Rep Baldacci - 04/09/97
     Rep Barrett, T. - 04/09/97
     Rep Bereuter - 04/09/97
     Rep Berman - 04/09/97
     Rep Blagojevich - 04/09/97
     Rep Blumenauer - 04/09/97
     Rep Borski - 04/09/97
     Rep Boucher - 04/09/97
     Rep Brown, G. - 04/09/97
     Rep Campbell - 04/09/97
     Rep Capps - 04/09/97
     Rep Cardin - 04/09/97
     Rep Carson - 04/09/97
     Rep Chambliss - 04/09/97
     Rep Clayton - 04/09/97
     Rep Condit - 04/09/97
     Rep Coyne - 04/09/97
     Rep Davis, T. - 04/09/97
     Rep Deal - 04/09/97
     Rep DeFazio - 04/09/97
     Rep Dellums - 04/09/97
     Rep Dingell - 04/09/97
     Rep English - 04/09/97
     Rep Eshoo - 04/09/97
     Rep Evans - 04/09/97
     Rep Faleomavaega - 04/09/97
     Rep Fazio - 04/09/97
     Rep Filner - 04/09/97
     Rep Flake - 04/09/97
     Rep Foglietta - 04/09/97
     Rep Foley - 04/09/97
     Rep Forbes - 04/09/97
     Rep Frank - 04/09/97
     Rep Franks, B. - 04/09/97
     Rep Frelinghuysen - 04/09/97
     Rep Frost - 04/09/97
     Rep Fox - 04/09/97
     Rep Gallegly - 04/09/97
     Rep Gilman - 04/09/97
     Rep Gonzalez - 04/09/97
     Rep Gutierrez - 04/09/97
     Rep Hastings, A. - 04/09/97
     Rep Hefner - 04/09/97
     Rep Hilliard - 04/09/97
     Rep Hinchey - 04/09/97
     Rep Horn - 04/09/97
     Rep Jackson - 04/09/97
     Rep Johnson, E. - 04/09/97
     Rep Kennedy, P. - 04/09/97
     Rep Kennelly - 04/09/97
     Rep Klug - 04/09/97
     Rep Kolbe - 04/09/97
     Rep Lampson - 04/09/97
     Rep Lewis, John - 04/09/97
     Rep Lofgren - 04/09/97
     Rep Lowey - 04/09/97
     Rep Maloney, C. - 04/09/97
     Rep Martinez - 04/09/97
     Rep Mascara - 04/09/97
     Rep McCarthy, C. - 04/09/97
     Rep McDade - 04/09/97
     Rep McKinney - 04/09/97
     Rep Meek - 04/09/97
     Rep Menendez - 04/09/97
     Rep Miller, G. - 04/09/97
     Rep Mink - 04/09/97
     Rep Molinari - 04/09/97
     Rep Morella - 04/09/97
     Rep Neal - 04/09/97
     Rep Norton - 04/09/97
     Rep Oberstar - 04/09/97
     Rep Olver - 04/09/97
     Rep Owens - 04/09/97
     Rep Pallone - 04/09/97
     Rep Pascrell - 04/09/97
     Rep Pastor - 04/09/97
     Rep Payne, D. - 04/09/97
     Rep Pelosi - 04/09/97
     Rep Price - 04/09/97
     Rep Pryce - 04/09/97
     Rep Quinn - 04/09/97
     Rep Ramstad - 04/09/97
     Rep Rothman - 04/09/97
     Rep Sabo - 04/09/97
     Rep Sanchez - 04/09/97
     Rep Sanders - 04/09/97
     Rep Schiff - 04/09/97
     Rep Serrano - 04/09/97
     Rep Shadegg - 04/09/97
     Rep Shays - 04/09/97
     Rep Skaggs - 04/09/97
     Rep Skeen - 04/09/97
     Rep Tauscher - 04/09/97
     Rep Thompson - 04/09/97
     Rep Thurman - 04/09/97
     Rep Towns - 04/09/97
     Rep Traficant - 04/09/97
     Rep Underwood - 04/09/97
     Rep Vento - 04/09/97
     Rep Wise - 04/09/97
     Rep Yates - 04/09/97
     Rep Bonior - 04/09/97
     Rep Hefley - 04/09/97
     Rep Woolsey - 04/09/97
Parkinson's Action  Network
818 College Ave., Suite C
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
phone  707-544-1994
fax  707-544-2363
email:  [log in to unmask]
Washington, DC office
601  13th St. NW., Suite 310
Washington, DC 20005
phone    202-628-2079
fax    202-628-2077
Brad Udall, Chair
Joan I. Samuelson, President
John L. Dodge, Treasurer
Bonnie K. Mioduchoski, Administrator
Michael Claeys, Community Coordinator
The Action Reporter is a free publication of the Parkinson's Action Network,
a  non-profit charitable foundation for a cure for Parkinson's.  Use of this
material in other publications is welcomed.  We ask that the Network be
identified as the source of the material, and notified how,  when and where
the material is used.  Simply call 800-850-4726