

>From:    Kent Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: GPI-1046 (Guilford Pharm) Neural Growth Factor Info?
>I am searching for more information on GPI-1046 - a very new
>"neurotrophic factor" drug manufactured by Guilford Pharmaceuticals,
>Baltimore.  This new class of drug has been shown to "revive damadged
>nerves and eliminate most symptoms of disease in laboratory animals with
>Parkinson's-like symptoms."  Article in the April 16,1997 Wall Street
>Journal titled "Nerve Regenerating Drug May Help in Alzheimer's,
>Parkinson's Diseases".  Results were presented at a meeting of the
>American chemical Society recently.
>Does anyone have furthur information regarding preliminary drug trials,
>other studies, Journal references?
>Thanks,  /s/
>Millard Tipp - NPF, S.California



You can also access it through the "front door" of the National Parkinsons
Foundation, Inc. webpage.
First access , then select "News Alert -
Read Now: Updated 4/10/97"

Allow me to "pile on" with some questions of my own:

I would like to sidestep the whole discussion of the FDA and delays - be
they justified or not.
More interesting is the mention made a couple weeks ago of how the MPTP
induced PD model in animals used in the GPI-1046 studies is less than ideal.

As I understand it, MPTP destroys the part of the brain that PD does, which
results in exactly the same symptoms.  Are animals with such induced PD not
an ideal model because the agent of destruction of that part of the brain in
humans is usually not known and therefore the regeneration of nerves as
observed in mice in GPI-1046 studies might not occur?  What about the people
who have PD because of exposure to MPTP by way of illegal drug use or other
exposure?  Should those folks be more hopeful of positive results shown in
MPTP model studies?

Also... somebody made mention that similar observations were made with
another Parkinson drug that didn't end up with the incredible results that
the promoters of GPI-1046 are broadcasting.  Does anybody have specific info
on those early studies and the path the drug had to take to get approval?
It would be interesting to see a timeline that showed the original
announcement of that drug - time for studies and approvals - and current
effectiveness of the drug as it is now used.

Finally... Thanks all for the responses to my "DAD/ITCHING/GPI-1046" message.

 - Bob