

John M.

Well, I don't know 'bout YOU, but I find Microsoft manuals to make nifty
planters out on my patio, plus you can also use 'em in place of concrete
blocks as construction material.

BTW.... Since MSN is now passing out free CDs to get people logging onto the
MSN system, just like AOL does with IT'S all too ubiquitous CDs, I plan on
wallpapering my guest bath with 'em. <grin>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of John Morey
Sent:   Monday, April 28, 1997 11:36 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: FW: "Frozen shoulder"

Barb wrote...... > mentally 'zone out" when confronted by an Microsoft
manual, and
>immediately  buy one of the "Dummies" series (blush).  The problem is that
as an
>employee of MSN......
As I have said before, information and manuals from Microsoft are
technically correct and totally useless!!  I take that back.  Have you ever
tried to press leaves?  Or roll up paper to make paper "logs" for a
fireplace?  We ought to start a thread entitled "101 things to do with
Microsoft manuals".  But what if one doesn't have a parakette, or a puppy to
train, or a bookcase that needs leveling?
                                                        Peace, John