

Barb -

I wish every legislator could (meaning, would take the time to) read your
letter, and one like it from 1000 other PWP.  You've painted such a clear
picture of the financial and *human* toll this disease takes.  For every PWP
out there, there's a similar story of financial dilemmas and Catch-22s.  Come
to think of it, it wouldn't do the general public any harm to hear it either.
 Thanks for putting the case so clearly.

I  want to respond to one specific item in your letter that worries me.  You
>In addition to losing SSDI, if I'm still working 36 months after my
>start-date, I will also lose my Medicare benefit, which means I'll be
>out-of-pocket each month - IF I CAN GET private medical coverage  once
>due to the PD. I'm currently using the services if Kaiser Permanante, an
>outstanding (in my opinion) HMO, due to Medicare, and I'm not sure if they'd
>take me on if I was off Medicare.

Before you hit the 36-month mark, I hope you'll check on this.  I don't know
of any private insurance carrier that will insure a PWP - not for health
insurance, and not even for life insurance.  I should amend that to say that
I guess there are a few that will offer insurance at an exhorbitant rate -
there was a woman in our support group who was paying $1000 a month for
health insurance.  If you find out, will you let the net know?
And please, for your sake, don't let the 36-month period slip by without
knowing where you stand.     Warmly, Margie Swindler      [log in to unmask]