

> From: Kathie Tollifson <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Acupuncture
> She treated my arm/hand tremor
> with needles in my forearms, which caused excrutiating and barely
> pain, but was effective in reducing tremor in 2 week intervals. Since
> accupuncture is generally pain-free, I wondered about the awful pain
> by the arm treatment...she attributed it to the deeply chronic nature of
> She attempted to treat my leg/foot tremor and dystonia, but I could not
> endure the pain.

In the early stages, before confirmation of diagnosis, I also tried
acupuncture, from a young Chinese doctor, trained in Hong Kong.  It made
the tremor in my right leg worse, and caused excruciating pain.  I had to
give up on the treatment.

I wonder if there is something intrinsic to PD that renders acupuncture not
only ineffective, but more painful?

Anyone else tried acupuncture, with either good or bad results?  At what
stage?  There may be something here we could include in our research,
especially in the Chinese studies in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Sydney.

Jim Slattery
Central West Parkinson's Disease Research Group,
Orange, NSW, Australia