

> From: Tim Sanderson <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Who do you tell?

> Has anyone out there any views on this, or any neat solutions?  Wearing a
> discreet badge or tiepin would be a good non-verbal signal, and I know
that a
> neat tulip motif button-hole badge is available.  The trouble is that
> not yet a universally recognised symbol.  Perhaps if we all started
> one, it would become recognised.  I think responding to a question
"That's a
> interesting badge you're wearing, what does it signify?" might be one of
> most effective and least dramatic ways of making our condition known.

Couldn't agree more!  For Aussies, there is such a pin available from state
Parkinson's offices for $5, attached to a card with an explanation about
PD.  Money raised goes to PD research. They are co-sponsored by Eli Lilly.
