

Barbara,  the string project brings to mind a family story. For years my wife
told me about a "large ball of string" in a restaurant in Maryland, where her
sister resides. Every time we went to visit her sister (we live in Florida, a
two day trip) there was an excuse why we could not visit the restaurant to
see "the large ball of string" . Finally a few years ago we made
reservations, and actually got to go to Housner's Restaurant, for a good
meal, and to see "t l b o s" ..they told us is was in the basement which was
being renovated, and we could not go there..finally the manager, when told
how far we had come, agreed to turn on the lights and let us see it. I would
say it was about 6 feet in diameter, and definitely the largest ball of
string I'd ever seen, but I doubt I would have driven for two days just to
see it. The funny part of the story, is the collection of millions of dollars
worth of famous paintings and sculptures that are displayed in the
restuarant, which I was never told about...only the large....well, you know!
The food, by the way is wonderful.