

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   48 deg. F
  Charles Meyer, MD, wrote:

>People have been blaming the FDA or Upjohn.  I
>think it is both their faults and the inability apparently is leaving
>many of us waiting.

Hello PWP's, CG's and friends.....

  I agree with Dr. Charles Meyer.  My question is, how to we DRAMATIZE
the need for new drugs to be developed AND RELEASED??

  This is why I wrote about my anger, and that this is the time to be
I feel that it's only when we are getting on TV  that we will be

   As a civil and human rights activist who was elected a National
Democratic Delegate for Jesse Jackson in Atlanta in 1988, I can tell you
that however hard it is, we  PWP's MUST form a Coalition that does
NON-LOBBYING, VISIBLE actions, like any other group with a cause.

   Younger and more mobile PWP's must aid more infirm PWP's to join in
being SEEN.  We must get on TV as often as possible.  BUT, as Sonya from
Denmark said to all of us, HOW?

   The regional Udall Bill steering committee network in New England is a
small example of regional PWP effort, but its purpose is legislative.
Nowhere have we PWP's organized MASSIVE rallies, speak-outs and

    I hope that during the next several months, some of these LARGE
public events can develop.THERE is the potential for HUGE numbers of
PWP's to organize a public assemblies to cure Parkinson's.

    What about another DAY in the month of August or September, in
addition to April 11?  What about a coordinated world day of Action?  One
day a year is hardly enough.

    In the United States, pressure on the FDA and the Pharmaceutical
Companies must come from PWP's in large numbers APPEARING in PUBLIC.

    We must be brave, overcome shame and fear, and BE SEEN.
