

At 15:10 30/04/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Ernie P...
>You said "By the way, I know it is only a word but, <grinning> I have several
>60 year old friends who would hate to be described as elderly.
>Ernie. Aged 54 (six years to elderly)."
>SMACK!!!  <---- Barb slams the hapless Ernie one upside his wee head)  HEY..
>I'm the same age as you and I'm NOT "six years to elderly!!!" <grin>
>FYI.. "elderly is... is... uhhhhhh.... is.... 112 years old!!
>There.  Aren't ya glad THAT'S settled? <giggle>
>Barb Mallut

Gosh! Barb,

I KNOW you are 54, but I always think of you as an attractive 35 year old!!

YOU....NEARLY ELDERLY?  Whatever next!  Hey, Mark, you have more to answer
for than I first thought.  Still, we'll forgive you because you are a nice
guy really.

112 is elderly?  OK, I'll accept that Barb. <Grin>

Ernie. Age 54 (58 years to elderly)

Ernie Peters <[log in to unmask]>