

Since this is my first experience w/ a listserve, I must say it's
impressive to get such quick response to my 'neck tightness' question!

I am having my daughter, Barbara, post my questions on her husband's e-mail
account (Richard Doyle) -- the real me is (female!) Pat Ballard (retired
librarian) -- from the city that drinks so much coffee the whole place has
the shakes.

I hate to say that I was happy to hear some other people had my same
symptoms -- but when you've been told by a neurologist that your symptoms
are 'vague' (maybe to him!) -- it is comforting to hear others out there
also have tight necks, headaches, etc. A friend of mine's father (now
deceased), who had Parkinson's, described it as feeling like a balloon was
being expanded within his skull.  So now there are at least a handful of us
-- not so vague, if you ask me.

For those of you concerned about quick consultation w/ a cardiologist, I am
currently seeing both a cardiologist and a neurologist -- they are busy
trying to pass the buck to each other.  Kind of a tweedle dum/tweedle dee
thing.  They point at each other as the solution to the problem, and deny
that they can do anything.

Here's my best quote:

I was working on a Leggo castle with my 6 yr old grandson late in the
evening.  We were both tired.
"Gram, your hand's shaking!"
"Well, I have Parkinson's disease."
"Oh.  At least you don't have headlice or the flu!"

Keeping things in perspective in Seattle,
Pat Ballard