

At 12:36 PM 5/1/97 -0400, you wrote:
>        OK, we are packed, squashed into two suitcases, meds in a "fanny
>pack"--they should be called kangeroo packs, and if Gord must take that
>suitc ase called hius camera, then he has to carry it!!Going to fly to
>juneau and float back to Seattle and if we can't get off the ship and do
>tours, we can watch the harbor.       Regards--T.L CG for Gordon
  just don,t eat any yellow snow.  my baby is up there. worked in juneau,
been there my self. she also worked on pipe line. got part of the line in my
room. have good time. as i said don,t any yellow snow. and stay away from
moose juice. don I.Y.Q.