

Richard - You wrote:

>I take Sinemet 25/100 4x daily, sometimes I use the CR.  I stopped Permax 1
>1/2 months ago because it seemed to make worse the symptoms I'll describe.
>Additionally, I had quadruple bypass surgury, with a valve replaced.
>I have tightness around my neck like a band being pulled tight -- then this
>feeling moves up to my head, squeezing my head tight.  This makes my vision
>blurry.  My lower ribs also feel like there's a band tightening.  My heart
>valve then thumps so loudly that it scares the heck out of me.  When I was
>taking the Permax, all of this was painful.  Then I stopped the Permax, and
>the symptoms went away.  Now, much to my dismay, they're back, but they're
>not painful yet.

My first thought on reading this was that this sounds like high blood
pressure plus some kind of cardiac problem.   According to "The Pill Book,"
which I find more helpful than the PDR for a layman, and sometimes more
complete, Permax (Pergolide) requires this, among other, Cautions and

>People who are prone to abnormal heart rhythms should be cautious when
taking >Pergolide because of possible cardiac side effects.

Out of a long list of possible side effects, I've selected the following to
quote for you:

>Pergolide can affect virtually any body part or system because of its effect
on basic >body hormones.  in studies of the drug, about 1 in 4 people who
started on Pergolide >stopped because of side effects.


>Less common side effects are...neck or back pain...chest pain...heart
palpitations, >blood pressure changes, abnormal heart rhythms, heart attack,
heart failure....

I know you stopped the Permax 6 weeks ago, but did you see your doctor about
this constellation of symptoms?  Now that they're back, I'd strongly
recommend seeing *without delay* the doctor who performed the bypass or the
doctor who referred you for the bypass - whoever you think most appropriate.
 Whether or not this is Permax-related, it certainly sounds cardiovascular in
origin, at least to this non-medical person. Please -  get thee to a doctor!

Good luck, and please let us know what you find out.

Margie Swindler     cg for Dick, 52/15    [log in to unmask]