

l.The lack of agreement on the choice of one logo,a pin, is emblematic
(no pun intended), of the weakness of the PD effort to get national
attention.  A ball of string?  Remember Sisyphus, the legendary
Corinthian Greek king.  His punishment in Hades was the task of having
to roll a rock up a hill, only to have it roll back as he neared the
top. TV recently had a report on a unique sport, strong men throwing
increasingly heavy rocks in a  distance throwing competition.  Why not a
PD sponsored national competition in up-hill stone rolling Or for
weaklings,  perhaps instead of a stone they could use a ball of string.
PWP are in a constant struggle with gravity, so why not a national
up-the-hill stone rolling contest? Instant name recognition courtesy of
"The Rolling  Stones." It could be called the PD Sisyphus -up-the-hill
stone rolling competition, a contestadvertised as being  not for
sissies. After  all, PD is not for sissies (hope I am not  accused of
not being  PC in using the word sissies)).  Just funning! Have you seen
the cartoon of the clown on the telephone? The caption reads, "What's
the second best medicine?" I'll string along with the ball of string
idea, so don't tell me to go fly a kite.
Why not a PD kite festival? We could use all that string. In India, one
day a year everyone goes to  their rooftops to fly their kites. We could
have such a festival  and get some high-flying publicity.