

Hi Ivan,

We PWP have indeed much to be angry about.  Our lives and
those of our families have been distorted, our plans and hopes
for the future have been left in ruins. Our bodies have become
prisons (some might say 'torture chambers') and our best hopes
for release take years to become available and then often fall
far short of the promise they had seemed to hold.  We would
need to be saints not to be angry at least some of the time.

I think you are right to call for us to channel that anger and use
it to push for greater awareness of our situation. I have my doubts
however that columns of parkies 'shuffling' on Washington, Paris,
London and Canberra (Sydney is our biggest city, not our biggest
headache) is really the answer.  For one thing it would take forever.
But jokes aside, the age of the majority of our co-sufferers would
preclude them from that type of activity, though I am sure the spirits
would be willing. "Balls of String" and "Tulips" may not carry the
same impact as chaining ourselves to the railings, but they are positive
actions from positive people and are all grist to the mill. It may be
that, driven by our anger, we as a community will rise to more aggressive
action,  and there is little doubt that strong action now could achieve
results which can shape the future, but we must be prepared for the
reality that no matter how angry we get, we who already have PD,
will still have it when we calm down.

Ivan, I share your frustration at the realities we face. I don't want
to be part of the last generation of PWP before the cure is found,
I want to be part of the first generation cured.  But the truth is that
however first said "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst"
had a very firm grip on life.  What I really want is to be a survivor,
along with my 'comrades in arms'.

Lets get angry, lets get motivated, lets get going, BUT lets not set
ourselves up for a fall.

"Once more unto the breach again, dear friends, once more"

See you all on the other side.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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