

I have been taking Pramipexole for nearly three years, beginning with a
double blind trial for three months, then a three year open-label trial.  I
had difficulty in writing, reduced arm swing and mild tremor, but only after
diagnosis recognized my leg cramps and overwhelming fatigue were due to PD.
I have responded to pramipexole very well: much more energy and sense of
well being, no more cramping, and control of the tremor.  I require 1.5 hour
less sleep than before.  It has not helped the handwiting.

During the past winter I have had some difficulty with drowsiness when
driving toward the sun when it is low in the sky, even when the sky is
cloudy but bright. It hits me after about 20 minutes, and is worst on
divided highways where the flow of traffic is smooth than on roads where
stoplights and cars changing lanes seem to help keep me alert.

The recent comments on who to tell have been very interesting.  I am quite
open about having PD with family and close friends but have not told my
employer or work colleagues (except my assistant whom I felt must know).  My
symptoms are not yet evident to those who do not know, and to this point
having PD has not impaired doing my job (I use a laptop for meeting notes).
I haven't told my manager or fellow workers yet because I am concerned about
the reaction -- will I be taken less seriously or not given opportunities
because people will assume I can't handle the load?  I know at some point I
will have to  -- but am inclined to wait until there is a reason to explain.

This list has been really helpful to me because even though my family and
friends are very supportive they do not really know what it is like to have
PD and I have got so much useful information and insight from you all.

Margaret Caughey
(60/3 Pramipexole 1.5mg x3)