

The lack  of responses to my messages about celebrity status and such a
person's public response to his PD, has left me disappointed, even
depressed.  I check the mailbox and do not see a raised  red flag.  It
makes me think that my thoughts are not "reaching" anyone.
Maybe I can crank up the messages another notch.  Andrew Greeley,  the
Jesuit novelist, said on TV, "There is a traditional saying that the
Pope is never sick until he's dead.
 If you have the time, look up the word "misericordia."Fr. L for "mercy
from the heart." Defined as,  "a small projection on the bottom of a
Church seat that gives support to a standing worshipper when the seat is
turned up."(Webster's New Colegiate Dictionary.)        It was designed as a
concession to  feeble and elderly monks  who could no longer stand
during the required Church Services. In this way they could still
participate, in a semi-standing position.
What has this to do with PD and Billy Graham you may   or may not ask?
Did you notice that last Friday's 20/20 had  a clip of Mr. Graham
preaching?  He was sitting on a chair behind the pulpit.  Does your
place of worship have an * next to items in the bulletan denoting that,
" Those who are able, may stand." My, how I get anxious when a hymn or
prayer is overly long.  To stand or not to stand. On the issue of
Celebrity and PD disclosure I stand fast.
PS:  Misericordia has some other fascinating meanings.
I've labored over this message, and it's "from the heart."  Responses?
"Cast yoour bread upon the waters, and it shall return unto you,  all
wet and soggy." I'll take any kind of reply.  Just funning!  Thank you.