

>> From: Elizabeth Leslie <[log in to unmask]>
>> Subject: Fugue state
>> I'm glad to hear someone mention this problem.  I know it well.  I've
>> always said I'm a procrastinator, but I think the problem has been more
>> pronounced this last 10-12 years, and now I begin to see that it is
>> intrinsically related to PD-induced difficulties with initiating.  I
>> see much in the literature I've encountered to suggest that initiation is
>> as much a cogniitive problem as it is a motor problem in PD.  But I'd be
>> interested to hear what others think.
>My experiences with our research group indicate that what often appears
>from the "outside" to be a trance-like or catatonic state, are, from the
>"inside", either fugues, or over-active mental states, with accelerated
>thought patterns, but no motor activity.
>Sort of like revving your motor in neutral.  :-)
>Unfortunately, PD is little known amongst GP's, and what *is* known is
>often up to twenty years out-of-date.  :-(
>Stay well,
It's interesting to see that other PWP's have actually experienced this
state and even given it a name as I thought it was a peculiar sort of
behaviour only I had.  There are times, usually when I'm approaching an
"off" period in my medication when I get obsessively taken by an activity.
Recently, I decided to prune a bush in front of my house that was getting
slightly overgrown and woody.  Still there about a half an hour later in the
fading light and despite my husband's calls for me to come inside, I
frantically hacked away until, alas, the bush was no more; not even a twig

This 'fugue' is most inconvenient when at times, before an appointment or
going out somewhere, I get involved in some activity and can't stop even
though I feel stressed knowing it's getting later and later, and I'm
inevitably going to be very late.  This hyperactivity is also matched by my
tendancy at times not be able to get moving to get the most trivial but
necessary things accomplished.

Celia Jones
49 years/8 yrs.