

Hi Michail
Mel and I recently cruised for a week.  Our problem however seems to be that
he is affected by the motion of the boat and gets confused.  We resorted to
the wheelchair which helped and we had a great time.  Some night time
hallucinations as expected.  We took a 40 yr old who pushed the chair as I
did have open heart surgery 2 yrs ago.  We had a great time-watch the
casinos, ha.  Took us for a bundle.  The people at our table were great and
the staff wonderful, cutting up the meat and really giving me a vacation.
 Mel fell out of the bed several times but son was up and helping.  Like us
we make the most of mobility and glad we went.  Next time will take a larger
boat and not so rocky.  Worst thing was Amtrack train with a room but motion
impossible.  Went to Seattle and flew bad.  We were 'sleepless in Seattle,
motion of train a bummer.
Mary, CG for Mel 75/11 IYQ