

Dear Oprah,

I am Barbara Jarjoura, wife of Fuad A. Jarjoura, a sixty-year-old man
who is more feeble than most eighty-year-old men.  He cannot walk
unassisted, falls asleep whenever he is sitting, is totally incontinent,
and many, many more things.  Why is he like this, because, like 1.5
million others in this country alone he has Parkinson's Disease.

Medical science and research have made astounding discoveries in recent
years, and are on the verge of curing the disease.  However, more
funding is necessary.  The Udall Bill will provide that funding if it is
passed.  Muhammed and Lonnie Ali were in Washington to speak before
Congress on the necessity of passing this bill.  There are many
prominent individual that have this disease, so we in the Parkinson's
Community feel that it would be a benefit to all if you were to have a
show in the very near future with Muhammed and Loni Ali and possibly
other Parkinsons patients.

This would give us the opportunity to plea our case.  This disease is a
horrible, cronic disease that robs the patient and families of the
quality of life.  People live many years before they deteriorate to the
life-threatening stage, however it is costly both financially and
emotionally.  It costs the insurance companies and the government to
support their needs.  It would be far less costly to fund the research
that will find a cure than it is to care for all of these patients in
the years to come.

Please give every consideration to this.  There are many many worthwhile
people who need your help.  Thank you for your time and consideration.

Barbara Jarjoura
A fan since your Baltimore WJZ days.