

This is a message that failed to come through last week. It was
appropriate for someone to suggest a righteous anger, with a plea for
more media coverage, e.g., for the Ali Congressionaal appearance..

Our local PD support group made and donated 18 bluebird houses to be
placed on the Hamilton College golf course and playing fields (already
done). The Bluebird, NYS bird was almost extinct at one time.  It might
make a suitable PD logo, as it symbolizes hope, happy days ahead,
beauty, wishfull thoughts
RE:The lack of enough cooperation and networking between the regional
and national PD groups:  What is needed is a professional systems
analysis of the existing PD organizatons This would be done by an
independent firm. A study would be made of intra and inter
organizational cooperation. A study of mission statements, functioning,,
and networking.  Is there internecine warfare, or cooperaiton?  The firm
aftr a study woull come up with a report of it findings, and make
reccomendations for networking and increased cooperaton.

Such a study was done by a Va firm for the NYS Hosppice asssociation.