

Barb Brock wrote:
> Dear Fellow Members of the Parkinson's Information Exchange,
> Don't ask me why, but today I decided to read the list of ingredients on
> my aerosol deodorant can and, low and behold, the first ingredient was
> aluminum chlorohydrate.  Would aluminum be considered a heavy metal?
> Could it be that the small amount of aluminum chlorohydrate in sprays of
> deodorant could cross the blood-brain barrier and collect in the brain?
> With all the work being done on the heavy metal issue, I wonder if this
> idea has been eyeballed.  Do any of you know?
> Those with minds far more scientific than this ole special education
> teacher could have a ball with this one.
> Write your thoughts.

I don't know how the scientists view the aluminum-in-deodorant issue,
but for over a decade I've avoided it....just to be safe. The only kind
of deodorant I can find without aluminum is the kind at the health food
store. Actually, I think you might be able to find a non-aluminum
DEODORANT, but not an ANTI-PERSPIRANT. That's where the aluminum comes
into play.

I've heard so much conflicting info about aluminum and the brain,
especially in regards to Alzheimer's disease. Many sources feel that
aluminum causes the disorder. A few studies suggest that something else
causes the disorder, and excess aluminum is a *byproduct* of the
disorder. hmmmm.
