

>Deanne Charlton writes

>Massage is one of the best treatments for muscles that otherwise do not
>contract and relax normally ...

>I will post, soon, information about an article on PD and massage in a past
>issue of Massage Therapy Journal (that info is at work and I'm at home).

>Harold Packman, a licensed massage therapist in New York, has made a
>videotape called "Massage for the Parkinson's Patient" that can be ordered by
>MTs or lay people.

>H. Packman
>PO Box 3
>Whitestone NY 11357

Deanne, could you please find out how much this video costs and how much to
send it to Australia?  (We would have to get it converted to our format,
once here and this would add another $25 approx.)

I would appreciate this imformation for our local Association
Joy Graham