

I am new to this news list, so please forgive me if the question is not
typical to this forum.  My wife and I have applied for permanent residence
in Canada and are hoping to relocate to Toronto from South Africa later
this year.  However my wife, aged 35, has early onset Parkinson's causing a
tremor on her right side, mainly her arm.  She was diagnosed in 1993, and
continues to work as a contract programmer and live a normal life.  Do any
of the participants on this list have information for me about the degree
of influence my wife's Parkinson's is likely to have on our application? as
we have not been successful in getting an up-front answer from our local
Canadian High Commission in this regard.  I am presently being interviewed
by the Toronto office of the international company I work for in SA, and
also wonder what effect this may have on the issue if I am successful.
Keith Arnold