

OHMAGOD!   Ken.. that's EXACTLY what the UCLA doctor said the procedure is
done!   He aims for my throat (did I tell ya this MD is blind?), and....
well... things being what they are... when jabs the needles in, he almost
always hits his THUMB instead.  The thing that's so miraculous about the
treatment is that when his thumb starts talkin' IT gives stock quotes, the
daily weather report, sports news, etc. and sounds strangely like Barbara
Walters.  The doctor likes being the only physician on the UCLA Med Center's
staff that has a talking thumb, but he commented that the well known lisp
drives him nuts!

I figure it'll be worth the $500 just to see and hear the doctor's thumb say
"And now a weview of Fwiday nite's "20/20." <giggle>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Ken Becker
Sent:   Saturday, May 10, 1997 1:58 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: FW: FW: FW: Update: Collagen Injections in Vocal Cords

OKAY, here's the scenario, the doc starts to point the needle at your throat,
you think about a throbbing thumb the size of a tennis ball, and my sweet
wife telling the e.r. doc  "no pain meds for him, he'll be drinking beer in
about an hour" and the e.r. doc is poking a hot needle into the thumb,
several times... and YOU start to laugh, so YOUR doc slips and injects the
cow juice into HIS thumb instead of YOU, and the next scene. HIS thumb starts
TALKING!  At that point you start laughing so hard, your vocal cords cure
themselves, and you run out yelling I'M CURED!!!!!
(You have to tell us what REALLY happens, meanwhile keep laughing!)