

After mentioning my PD to a coworker, he asked me a question that I could
not answer about his mother.  His mother is in her 70s or 80s and has been
dx'd for about 8 years.  She is constantly complaining about "burning feet."
It is especially troublesome in the mornings when it is too painful for her
to walk.

I said that I had never heard of this but that it might be a reaction to
medication or a symptom of some other diseases she is known to have.
Anyway, her doctor says that it is PD related and doesn't go into any more
detail.  My coworker does not know which PD medications she is taking but is
sure the Sinemet is one of them.

Can anyone shed any light or shared experiences on this?  He is especially
anxious to find a treatment since the condition is sometimes disabling.

                Ron Reiner (49/2)