

> From: Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: FW: PD Badge Suggestions
> Hey Jim... sorry, but your art work came over on my browser as a buncha
> meaningless characters and symbols.   DARN software just never does what
> want it to do!!  Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to send
> pin designs ...

Here in my own little introspective world, I sometimes forget that not
*everyone* has the same computer and software that I do.

The drawings (t-shirt designs, actually, not pins) were "attached" as GIF
format graphic files.  They should be readable by anyone who has a
MIME-compliant (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) mail program.
Which probably means IBM-compatible, Macintosh, OS/2, X-Windows, etc.  I
*could*  UUENCODE them, for a UNIX system, if necessary? or add a ZIP file?
