

Mary Rack wrote:
"Back in NJ, a buncha churches got together and formed an "Interfaith
Caregivers" volunteer group.  Mom, and some of her neighbors, used them
mostly for rides to the doctor, but they offered other services, too."

This is the kind of effort we need more of.  Burn out among caregivers is
epidemic.  Respite care is a noble cause but expensive.  So are daycare
programs because of the high costs of medical insurance and regulations.

If one or more caregivers groups organized through a local support group
could get patients who have similar needs together once or twice a week it
could fill social requirements and respite at the same time.  Rotate the
location among homes & caregivers who are more knowledgeable and concerned
about PD than health professionals.

Yes, it sounds a bit like unregulated private daycare for children but the
major issue is the current high cost of these kind of services even through
the most well-meaning health related organizations.