

HI SUE    My personal trainer worked out the series of exercises  altho
he had not previously worked w/ a PWP.  For me it works - most of them
can be done @ home but my will power is WEAK and I need his motivation
to complete the set. Sometimes we use some of their equip but mostly
not.  It's how you do them not what you use.  Walking & golf are
excellant exercises.  I too am not going to let the PD win!!   My
daughter's MIL was diaagnosed in same year as me but she just went home
& sat!!  She's in a wheel chair & needs assistance w/ everything & she's
a yr or 2 younger than me!!  I have always been active and u/stand how
important exercise is.    I added  Amantadine/Symmetrel to  the eldepryl
this past April  so I took only the  eldepryl for 2 l/2 yrs.  In the
winter I do my training 3 times week but in golf weather only go once in
a while (if it rains 2 or 3 days) or I notice I'm getting stiff.

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