

Marjorie, Barbara et al,

Thanks for your correction(s) regarding the authorship
of the serenity prayer. Why I got St Francis into my mind
is beyond me, especially when you consider that marching
up to Salidan with a view to converting him to christianity.
isn't exactly the mark of someone with the wisdom to know
the difference.

As for your windmills Marjorie,  I too spent years on the dusty
plain of la Mancha.  Got a lot of bruises, had a lot of fun, learnt
some things about life and myself (not all of them good).  But
most of all I learnt the fighting skills that I now use against a real
giant. I also got a lot of practice at picking myself up off the
ground and remotivating myself for the next round, a skill which
has proved invaluable.

Beating PD is not the 'Impossible Dream', but it is damned hard


Dennis Greene 47/10
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