

I know I may be buggin you. If I am, I don't mean to bug ya! I was wondering
what the latest news is on some of the drugs coming out. By this I mean
Pramipexole, Ropinerole, ect... I am also curious as to what is happening
with GDNF. I haven't seen or heard hide nor hare of this for a long time now.

I read somewhere on the list that Upjohn was just waiting on the final word
from the FDA on the approval of the literature contained in the packaging for
Pramipexole. What the heck is going on here? They've been putting it off,
pushing the date forward, and then forward some more. Then, just when we
think that it's about to be released... No, they've got to check a few more
things first. God, if it hasn't made anyone sick in the months upon months it
has been in the trial stages, why must they keep looking for something?
I think maybe because it appears to be too safe, they (The FDA) are saying,
"Nope, there has to be harmful side effect somewhere. It has got to cause
some kind of cancer." Do I sound bitter?
Some of you may be saying "Jacob, you should be pushing for a cure, instead
of trying to get a new drug released." My reply is "While they may be this
/----/ close to a cure, that cure is probably ten years away yet, and I'm for
improving the quality of my life until then."

Jacob Drollinger