

Hello again,

name:      Marling McReynolds
age:       48
diagnosed: 1+1/2 years
symptoms:  4 years +
meds:      selegiline [5mg] 2/day; sinemet CR [25/100] as needed;
           klonopin [.5mg] as needed
single, living with adult son and near adult daughter who has 6 children [yes I
babysit every Saturday and sometimes other times also] in Sunny and sometimes
very Wet Northern California (Not the Bay Area)
employed:  Executive Director of a small non-profit corporation            doing
human services
e-mail:    [log in to unmask]

I have  recently found at least 6 others in my rural area with PD and we are now
connecting to support each other.  We have 2 with early onset and 4 elderly

I am concerned about one of the ladies and her insistance that a gluten-free
diet will 'cure' all our PD symptoms.  I cannot find anywhere that this has been
really researched thouroughly.  Also, from her description I do not think she
really has PD, even though several members of her family had it.  She has not
gone to a doctor for diagnosis, but she describes 'essential' tremor not PD
resting tremor.

Does anyone know anything about the gluten-free diet and a connection with PD??

don't forget how to laugh

PS:  visualization works with places you make up also, I have a room equiped
with only those things I want and I go there sometimes when life here is too
much for me.