

Update from Kansas ....

Just got a call from Heidi at Pat Roberts office, returning my call of several wks ago.

She says she gave him the info, he'll make the decision.  I tried to press for details without being obnoxious.  There's a box on his desk of things-to-cosponsor-maybe.  She put in it the dear colleague letter, info about the cost, and constituent letters . . . ALL 5 OF THEM (her estimate).  This includes e-mails.  She thinks he's basically sympathetic because of his father (I think that's the right relative), but there are budgetary considerations.  He's "pretty good" about moving stuff along, but she estimates it's been 2 weeks since he got the info.  And yes, more letters would be helpful.

Kansans, if you haven't written to Sen Roberts yet, PLEASE do so; he is the most likely member of our delegation in either house to support the Udall Bill.

Mary Rack
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