

> From: LIST Helen K. Mason <[log in to unmask]>
> Dear new friends,
> All the balls of string in the world and all the badges in the world and
> the email messages in the world are not going to cure PD. It takes
> for research that must be done.

But unfortunately, research means money, and the only sources of
sufficiently large amounts of the stuff are corporations and governments.

Drug companies research things that will make money for them; they are not
interested, for example, in *curing* or *preventing*  PD, but in providing
a medication for which there is a persistent demand.  Not that I'm knocking
them; I wouldn't be here now without them.  But ya gotta call 'em as ya see
'em.  :-)

Which leaves us with governments, run by vote-seeking, poll-driven,
knee-jerk-reaction politicians, influenced by
sound-bite/picture-opportunity/doorstop-interview journalists catering for
short-attention-span "sensation of the day" audiences.   And *any*
technique that attracts attention and/or gains supportive publicity is
legitimate; not only those that attract immediate attention, but those that
sustain interest, both that of the general public, and that of sufferers,
carers and their friends and families.
