

To anyone interested.


The point is often made that a positive attitude is an
invaluable aid to dealing with PD. But just what is a
positive attitude. Must it always take on the 'step
aside - I'm coming through' stance that seem to be a
pre-requesit.  A chance remark recently lead me
to recall a snippet of a poem by Shelley, and James
Thurbers wonderfull 'parable' based on it. Thurbers
'moral' at the end of his story makes me think that at
times for each of us - a positive attitude might just be
a little different.

Please bear with me - I am 25 yrs + from my source
material, and working from memory.


Shelley speaks of:

        The desire of the moth for a distant star,
        Of the night for the morrow,
        That yearning for something afar
        from the sphere of our sorrow.


James Thurber tells the story of a moth, who one evening
catches sight of Venus. Drawn to this beautiful light, the
moth flies towards it all night, collapsing in exhaustion with
the dawn.  Night after night the moth strives to reach the
'star'.  Meanwhile true to their mothy natures, all the other
moths are flying into and burning themselves on the street
lamps. The day finally comes when all of the 'street lamp'
moths have battered and burnt themselves to death, and
only the moth drawn to Venus remains, still 'flying to the stars'
each night.

Thurbers moral:

        He who flys far from the sphere of our sorrow,
        is here to day - and here tomorrow.


A pro active approach to our individual conditions and the
finding of the cure is necessary if PD is ever to be beaten.
BUT - Take the necessary time-outs, fly to Venus, take
care of yourselves.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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