

On Sun 18 May, Walter O. Huegel wrote:
> My #1 priority in participating in this list service is to advance the
> cause for a PD cure.

I agree with with Walt Huegel that the over-riding objective which dominates
my life is to bring about the conquest of Parkinson's Disease. However, as I
read the rest of his note, I find that we are talking about Political
Activism; the implication being that all that is needed to bring about the
end of PD is the right actions from the Government - which I presume
translates into more money for PD Research, since at the end of the day that
is about the only power that a government can wield against something like
   What concerns me is that I believe that there is a lot more to achieving
a cure for PD than simply generating lots of money, and please, all you
wonderful people who are breaking your backs to get the Udall Bill passed,
don't take that as the slightest criticism of your motives or efforts. The
passage of the Udall bill will be one of the most significant milestones
ever in the battle against PD, but there does still exist the little matter
of finding the cure ( or let's say 'A' cure- there may be more than one way
to achieve a cure).  The reason that money is so important at this time is
that, as we are rounding the bend and coming into the home straight, the
Researchers are starting to generate a growing volume of good ideas, all of
which need money to either prove or disprove the value of the idea.

 What is he getting at (I hear you saying).  Well, just this:  I have a
strong suspicion that, if we tried to follow every idea to the point of
being able to say that it is right or wrong, the Udall Bill would begin to
look like small change. This means that there will be, just as there has
always been, a need for some sort of overall plan or strategy to exist, and
there will be a need for a group of people to exist whose job is to make
that difficult decision of where the funds should go. Now that team in my
view should not be made up exclusively of those who hold the purse-strings,
nor should it be made up of all Researchers. I believe that there should be
representation from many walks of life; for instance, without giving it much
thought, I could suggest :-  Researchers, money men, Sufferers,
Representatives from the Drug industry, etc.

It was considerations such as those which I have mentioned above which led
Phillip and Christine Young in the UK to form a group known as SPRING
(Special Parkinsons Research INterest Group), of which I am proud to be a
founder member.  This group, which is properly constituted within the
PDS-UK, has two broad aims: One is to seek greater funding for Research (We
don't have a Udall Bill) and Two is to ensure that whatever monies are
collected, they are put to the best use, consistent with the overall
strategy which  has been agreed.

   I hope I have conveyed my main message adequately: That there is more to
beating PD than getting the polititians lined up and facing in the right
direction.  My dearest wish is that the next and future generations will
grow up in a world where the term PD will be noted only as the first of the
neurological diseases to be eradicated by Science.

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>