


Let me say, as one  who has been personally and closely involved in efforts
to pass the Udall Bill, that right now there exists a greater spirit of
cooperation among all parties than I have ever observed. Regular meetings
are scheduled involving representatives  of  various national organizations
 and grass roots advocates.  Cautious optimism is my current feeling.  If
things get out of hand and individuals or organizations need to be taken to
task on this list or to the Parkinson community at large we should do it.
Such is not the case now.

Mike Claeys is right when he says there are more important things to do now
and that politics stopped the Udall Bill last year. WRITE AND CALL YOUR
REPRESENTATIVES.  I recently met with an aide of Representative Bliley who
told me they receive more calls and letters on the Udall bill than any
other issue. LETS FLOOD THAT OFFICE!  It was Bliley along with
Representative Bilirakis who  were instrumental in preventing the Udall
Bill with its clear majority of cosponsors from reaching the House floor.
If there is arrogance, it is theirs at obstructing the will  of the
majority.  If someone has been insulted, it is all of us who have or care
for those with PD.  I believe if everyone on this list who is a US citizen
were to make one phone call per day each of the five week days to these
five people  -both your  Senators, your Representative,  Representative
Bliley and Bilirakis - We  would pass the Udall Bill.   The number is
1-800-962-3524.  I'd like to see every posting on this list begin with the

Jim Cordy
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