

Reply to message from [log in to unmask] of Thu, 15 May
>I made my calls today to Dewine, Glenn, Latourette, and Traficant.
Nancy Mullen

>Let me say, as one  who has been personally and closely involved in efforts
>to pass the Udall Bill, that right now there exists a greater spirit of
>cooperation among all parties than I have ever observed. Regular meetings
>are scheduled involving representatives  of  various national organizations
> and grass roots advocates.  Cautious optimism is my current feeling.  If
>things get out of hand and individuals or organizations need to be taken to
>task on this list or to the Parkinson community at large we should do it.
>Such is not the case now.
>Mike Claeys is right when he says there are more important things to do now
>and that politics stopped the Udall Bill last year. WRITE AND CALL YOUR
>REPRESENTATIVES.  I recently met with an aide of Representative Bliley who
>told me they receive more calls and letters on the Udall bill than any
>other issue. LETS FLOOD THAT OFFICE!  It was Bliley along with
>Representative Bilirakis who  were instrumental in preventing the Udall
>Bill with its clear majority of cosponsors from reaching the House floor.
>If there is arrogance, it is theirs at obstructing the will  of the
>majority.  If someone has been insulted, it is all of us who have or care
>for those with PD.  I believe if everyone on this list who is a US citizen
>were to make one phone call per day each of the five week days to these
>five people  -both your  Senators, your Representative,  Representative
>Bliley and Bilirakis - We  would pass the Udall Bill.   The number is
>1-800-962-3524.  I'd like to see every posting on this list begin with the
>Jim Cordy
>[log in to unmask]
