

Dear List-friends...

As promised, here's my report on what it was like having bovine collagen
injections into my vocal cords today.

PIECE OF CAKE!!!  Took maybe 5 minutes from start-to-finish, and while my
voice sounds a bit raspy right now, due to the collagen being mixed with
water, and the water hasn't yet been absorbed into my body, I've  already
noticed an improvement 'cause I no longer run outta air in the middle of a
sentence. (YEA!!!)  I can expect to be able to recover my voice completely
upon the absorption of the water within a day or two, max.

The procedure involved having lidocaine sprayed in a fine mist down my throat
and into my nose.  Then the same was done with benzocaine.  A thin fiberoptic
cord with a miniscule videocam was threaded into my right nostril and down
into my throat, tho there was no sensation of this happening.

Thus, without looking in my mouth itself, the doctor was able to inject right
thru the front of my throat - about midway in my neck - into the vocal cords
which he could see on the video screen.  TOTALLY NEAT!  And of course, I also
got to watch the injections being made and the instant puffing up of the
heretofore lax vocal cords to a normal width.

I feel fine - euphoric even,  at the idea that I've taken a stance against PD
and this time I was the winner!   The event called for something special, so I
headed for the mall and went shopping! (Ohhhh Barbie, you are SO bad!) <but I
DO look terrific in the new outfit I got!> <giggle>

Barb Mallut
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